- A Harmless Deed
- A Sacred Geometry
- A7A
- Abdulla Rashim Records
- Absolete
- Abstract Reasoning Records
- Abstract Theory
- Absys Records
- Abusive
- Acid A GoGo
- Acid Avengers
- AcidLab
- Act-fact Records
- Active Life Worldwide
- Ada
- Adams Bite
- Afalinas Records
- Aff?t?
- Aforisme
- After:Fx
- Afterlife
- Aftertech Records
- Agora Records
- Akta Records
- Alien Rave Beats
- All Day I Dream
- Alleanza
- Allsound
- Almira Records
- Alt Dub
- Always Bring Cash
- Amaniel
- Amen 4 Tekno
- Ameniia
- Amniote Editions
- Amorphic
- Amotik
- Analog Concept
- Analogue
- Analytic Trail
- Anarko Tekno
- Anbu Music
- Angls
- Animal Crossing Records
- Animal Farm Records
- Anopolis Records
- Another Earth
- Antares
- Antrakt
- ANWO Records
- Aphrodite Recordings
- Aquaregia
- Archipel
- Architectural
- Archive
- Arketip Discs
- Art In U
- Art Max Records
- ART21
- Artcore
- Artreform
- Arts
- Arts Collective
- Arts Gallery
- Arts Transparent
- Arts White
- Artscore
- As One LDN
- As We Enter
- Ascetic Limited
- Askorn Records
- Astral Industries
- Astronomers Anonymous
- Astropolis Records
- Asyncro
- Atiba Records
- Atmomatix Records
- Atom Trance Force
- Atrakt
- Att Series
- Attack Records
- Attic Music
- Aube Rouge
- Audio Plants Recordings
- Aufect Recordings
- Aum Recordings
- Ausgang
- Auxiliary
- AvantRoots
- Avinit Records
- Avoidant
- Axis
- Aycb
- B.I.T. Productions
- Backhaus
- Baka Gaijin
- Bakk
- Bal
- Balearic London
- Banana Club
- Bar Musica
- BAR25
- Basic7
- Bass Agenda Recordings
- Bass-Ik Records
- Bassiani
- Bau Muzik
- Bay Sine Recordings
- Be As One Imprint
- Be Real
- Beatalistics
- Beatnik Collective
- Because Music
- Behind The Mask
- Belgian Bootlegs
- Beluga Tracks
- Bembis Bembio Motina
- Berg Audio
- Bergerac
- Best Intentions
- Best Record
- Better Sound
- Binary Cells
- Binaural Arts
- Bionic Orange
- Bios Recordings
- Bipolar Disorder
- Birdie
- Bla Bla Records
- Black Codes Experiments
- Black Wood Records
- Black/Tuesday
- Blackaxon
- Blackloops
- Blackout Audio
- Blackout Music NL
- Blame Rec
- Blame Records
- Blankstairs
- BLD Tape Recordings
- Bliepwerk
- Blind Allies
- Bliq
- Blocaus Series
- Block Records
- Bmg
- Body To Body
- BodyParts Vinyl
- Boidae
- Bold Monday
- Bondage Music
- Bonzai Classics
- Boomstraat 1818
- Borderline Black
- Born
- Boudica
- Bouman Records
- Bourassa Records
- Boysnoize Records
- BPitch Control
- Braindance
- Brazen Records
- Break New Soil
- Breaks 'N' Pieces
- Brenda
- Bright Message Records
- Bright Sounds
- Brkn Rec
- Broken Records
- Brooklyn Sway
- Broox Records
- Brosh Records
- Brvtal
- Brvtalist Sound Recordings
- Bsp Bispebjerg
- Bsr
- Bukva Sound
- Bump'n Grind
- Bunker Collective
- BunkerBauer Records
- Bunkers Collective
- Burek
- Burial Soil
- Burning Bush Communications
- Buttechno
- C.O.S.H.H.
- Cabrera
- Cachai
- Café Soda Records
- Cambium Collective
- Cameleon Records
- Candy Kingdom
- Cannibald Records
- Cantina Cuts
- Caph
- Captea
- Carbone Records
- Carcères Records
- Cardinal
- Casanova Bar Records
- Cat In The Bag
- Cat In The Shoe
- Catren
- Cccp Edits
- Certain Music
- Cestraw
- Chapeau Music
- Cheeky Sneakers
- Cheetah
- Chelsea Hotel Records
- Children Of Tomorrow
- Chippy Chasers
- Chord Records
- Circa Groove Records
- Circle Vision
- Circular Rainbow
- Circus Recordings
- Citizen Records
- Citrus Recordings
- Clair Obscur
- Clandestinne Music
- Claque Musique
- Classic Goa Trax
- Clergy
- Clikno
- Climate Recordings
- Clinical Records
- Clones
- Closed Circuits
- Cluster Records
- Cocoon Recordings
- Cod3qr
- Cogo
- Coincidence Records
- Comma Trax
- Commercial Suicide
- Communique Records
- Complexx Music
- Concealed Sound
- Conceptual Poetry
- Conceptual Records
- Concrete Records
- Conform
- Contempo
- Control Room Label
- Conundrum Records
- Cooked
- Copacetic Frequency Productions
- Correspondant
- Corrosive
- Cosmic Bridge
- Cosmic Wave Records
- Council Work
- Counterchange Recordings
- Courtoisy
- Critical Music
- Critical Recordings
- Crosstown Rebels
- Crue
- Cue Line Records
- Cultivated Electronics
- Curvature
- Cyberdome
- Cyclic Lab
- Da Demolition Squad
- Daft Life Ltd.
- Daku
- Dalmata Daniel
- Dame Music
- Dance Mafia
- Dance On The Beat
- Dark Distorted Signals
- Dark Grooves
- Daro Recordings
- De:tuned
- Death By Rainbow
- Debris
- Deep Medi Musik
- Deestricted
- Dekmantel
- Delsin
- Dentelles
- Depth Over Distance
- Depth.Request
- Desu
- Devise
- Different
- DIG Curated
- DigBig Records
- DiKi Records
- Dirty Dancing
- Distorsion Records
- Division Recordings
- Diynamic Music
- DJ International
- Dogma Rec
- Dolly Records
- Doozy Cult
- Dosis Decibel Records
- Drawner Records
- Dreams Are Not Inside
- Dreamscape Music
- Drehbar
- Driller
- Drum Holland
- Drumcode
- Dub Communication
- Dubartis
- Dubbing Sun Records
- Due.Sound
- Duel
- Durch Bln/Tlv
- Dusk Notes
- Dyad
- Dynamic Reflection
- Ear Clip Series
- Early Morning
- EarToGround Records
- Earwiggle
- Eatbrain
- Echo Ltd
- Echocord
- Echocord Colour
- Edit Select Records
- Ele Records
- Electro Music Coalition
- Electrocute
- Elektroshok Records
- Elements.Archive
- Elephant Moon
- Ellum Audio
- Ellum Black
- Elypsia
- Embassy One
- Embrace The Real Records
- Emerald
- Emotions Electric
- End Of Dayz
- End Of Perception
- Endless Flight
- engörn
- Enigma
- Entity London
- Envelope Audio
- Enzyme Records
- Epm Music
- Esprit De La Jeunesse
- Etruria Beat
- Everysoul
- Exhale
- Exhibition
- Exile
- Exitus Records
- Fabric
- Faces Of Bass
- Fafo Records
- Falkplatz Limitiert
- Falling Ethics
- Fanzine Records
- Faut Section
- Feline
- Fencepiece Records
- Fight For Love Records
- Figure
- Figure Jams
- Flatlife Records
- Flexout Audio
- Flip Finesse Records
- Flipsight
- Flyance Records
- Fokuz Recordings
- Follow The Flow
- Fono Music
- Footwork Audio
- For You Records
- Forced Nostalgia
- Four Framed Music
- Frameworks
- Frenzy
- Frenzy Recordings
- From Another Mind
- From Our Minds
- Fundaments
- Fur:ther Sessions
- Furious Wax
- Fuse Imprint
- Futurepast
- Galaxiid
- Gari Romalis Electronix
- Gemini Gemini
- Genosha
- Get Slow
- Getafix Records
- Ghetto Cornerstone
- Global Pulse
- Good Skills
- Goodbye Royalty Records
- Gost Zvuk
- Granulart Recordings
- Greyscale
- Groove Culture
- Groovin Recordings
- Groovin Records
- Guachinche
- Gudu Records
- Habitat Recordings
- Halocyan Records
- Hamam House
- Hardcore Vinylist Records
- Haven
- Haze
- Heels & Souls Recordings
- Heist
- Help Recordings
- Heresy
- Herrensauna
- Herzblut Recordings
- HH Records
- Hidden Recordings
- Hip Dozer
- Hoarder
- Horo
- House Of Groove
- House Of Underground
- Human By Default
- Human From Mars
- Hydraulix
- Hypercolour
- Hypnus Records
- ...is serving
- Ill Behaviour
- Index Marcel Fengler
- Informa Records
- Infrastructure New York
- Inherit
- Inner Tension
- Innervisions
- Inperspective Records
- Instruction
- Integral Records
- International Chrome
- International Deejay Gigolo Records
- International Ska Techno Review
- Interruption Records
- Interstate One
- Intervision
- Intrepid Skin
- Introspection Audio Limited
- Involve
- Involve Records
- Ipso
↑ Hautk
- !K7 Records
- K S R
- Kalahari Oyster Cult
- Kanzleramt
- Kaos
- Kashtan Records
- Kazerne
- Keinemusik
- Key Vinyl
- Killa Sound
- Killekill
- Killekill House Trax
- Kito Jempere Recordings
- Klinika
- Kompakt
- Kompakt Exklusiv
- Kompakt Extra
- Kontrafaktum
- Kooky Music
- Korpus 9
- KR3
- Kr3 Records
- Kx
- La Chèvre
- La Musique Du Beau Monde
- Lagoa Trax Records
- Layer Records
- Leisure System
- Lenske Records
- Leopard Tape
- Lets Discult
- Liebe*detail spezial
- Life In Patterns
- Liquicity Records
- Lobster Sleep Sequence
- Lobster Theremin
- Lone Romantic
- Los Hermanos
- Lossless Music
- Lost Palms
- Loveland Recordings
- Lower Parts
- Lowpass Records
- LumièresLaNuit
- Luv Shack Records
- Lux Rec
- Lykos Records
- M-Plant
- M.O.O.N. Holdings
- MadBack Records
- Maeve
- Magnetism Recording
- Magnifik
- Makatao
- Makhunik Records
- Mala Adh
- MALoR Records
- Masa Series
- Materia
- Matterwave Records
- Mau5trap Recordings
- Mechatronica
- Medusa Outdoor
- Meltdown Deejays Recordings
- Mental Disorder
- Mental Modern
- Metroplex
- MEUK Collective
- Miami Daddy
- Midgar
- Midi Mode Records
- Midnight Drive
- Mindtrick Records
- Minimum Syndicat
- Missile Records
- Mixmode Recordings
- Mixtacy Records
- Modern Balance
- Modwerks
- Molekul
- Monday Off
- Monkey Business
- Monnom Black
- Monologues Records
- Mood Child
- Mood Records
- Moon Mood
- Moonrover Records
- Moonshine Recordings
- Mord
- Mostiko / Smash The House
- Mote Evolver
- Motive Hunter Audio
- Much More Recordings
- Mule Musiq
- Mulen
- Multitone Recordings
- Mushroom Pillow
- Music Is
- Music Is Love
- Music_Is
- Mutual Rytm
- My Dear
- MyHouse YourHouse
- Myor
- N-Plex
- NC4K
- Neighbourhood
- Nervous
- Network23
- Neurotrope Records
- New Flesh
- Nexe Records
- Night Service Records
- Nina Kraviz Music
- Nine Windows
- Ninja Tune
- No Signal
- Nobody's Bizzness
- Noir Music
- Non Series
- Nord Records
- Not On Label
- NovaMute
- Nu Groove
- Oaks
- Occulti Music
- Odd Even
- Odd One Tape
- Off Recordings
- Oge
- Oge White
- Oldschool Shoes
- Olsen
- One Skank Records
- Only Cuts Records
- Only One Music
- Onna Bushi
- Onset Audio
- OOM Records
- Opilec Music
- Orbe Records
- Orbis Records
- Ostgut Ton
- Other Side Records
- Out Electronic Recordings
- Outcast Planet
- Overview Music
- Ovum Recordings
- Ownlife
- Ozone Recordings
- P.I.M.P. Records
- Pampa Records
- Parabel
- Peacefrog Records
- Perc Trax
- Permanent Vacation
- Phaaar
- Phantasy Sound
- Phoenix G
- Phonica White
- Phyr Records
- Pi Electronics
- Pillz
- Pittsburgh Tracks
- Piv
- Planet E
- Planet Rhythm
- Planet X
- Plangent
- Plangent Records
- Pleistocene Future
- Poker Flat Recordings
- PoleGroup
- Pounding Warehouse Recordings
- Pregnant Void
- Prima Materia
- Primal Instinct Rec.
- Pro-tez Records
- Projekts
- Propaganda Moscow
- PRSPCT Recordings
- Prspct Xtrm
- Public Possession
- Pulp
- Purple Print
- Purveyance
- Pushmaster Discs
- Puzzling Rec.
- R&S Records
- Rabe
- Radici
- Rakija
- Rambadu
- Rant & Rave Records
- Rapid Eye Movement
- Rave 2 The Grave
- Rave Alert Records
- Rave-R
- Rawax
- Razor-N-Tape Reserve
- Record Makers
- Redrum Recordz
- Redscale
- Reer Records
- Reflector Records
- Reincarnation
- Rekids
- Rekids Special Projects
- Remain Records
- Renegade Methodz
- Repeat Offender Records
- Repitch
- Reprise Records
- Return Of The Vibe
- Revenge Technique
- Reward System
- Rhythm Buro
- Rhythm Section International
- Rockets Audio
- Royal Oak
- Ruff 'N Tuff
- Rumors
- Runemark
- Running Back
- Rush Hour
- Rutilance Recordings
- Sacred Court
- Safer At Night
- Saft
- Sammler
- Samurai Music
- Sapiens
- Satta Sounds
- Second Degree
- Second State
- Second Voyage
- Secret Operations
- Selador
- Self Reflektion
- Semantica Records
- Sense Code
- Senso Sounds
- Servants Of Struggle
- Seven Villas
- SFSB Recordings
- Shall Not Fade
- Shaw Cuts
- Shut
- Signal 1 Records
- Signature
- Silver Walker
- Sine Space 7
- Sinxergy
- SK_Eleven
- Slash
- Slippery Yard
- Smile Sessions
- Snake Sounds
- Snork Enterprises
- Sofia Records
- Solar Phenomena
- Soma Quality Recordings
- Something Happening Somewhere
- Somniverse
- Somov Records
- Sonic Groove
- Sonic Groove Records
- Soul Deep Recordings
- Soul:R
- Sound Of Speed Japan
- Southern Fried Records
- SP 23
- Sp Groove Records
- Spatial
- Spazio Zero
- Spearhead
- Specimen Records
- Spectrum
- Splatter
- Squeeze The Lemon
- Stay Up Forever Records
- Steyoyoke
- Stil Vor Talent
- Strawberry Sundae
- Studio 1
- Studio Barnhus
- Studio Ooze
- Suara
- Sublunar
- Suburban Architecture
- Subverted
- Subwax Excursions
- Subway Recordings
- Sultra
- Summa Cum Laude
- Sunandbass
- Sungate
- Suntrip Records
- Suoni Incisi
- Supercinema Records
- Superstition
- Superstition Records
- Sushitech Records
- Suture Records
- System Revival Recordings
- Systematic
- Taapion Records
- Tasteless Thieves
- Tech-Nology
- Techno House Connoisseurs
- Technopride Records
- Tempio Omega
- Tenampa Recordings
- Tensal
- Terminal M
- Terminal M Records
- TH Tar Hallow
- That Divine
- That's Right Dawg Music
- The Disco Express
- The North Remembers
- The Nothing Special
- The Public Stand
- The Rose Island
- The Third Movement
- The Third Room
- Threnes Records
- Tikita
- Time Is Now
- Time Is Now White
- Timeline
- TNR Media
- Toca
- Token
- Tooflie
- Toolroom
- Total Loss Recordings
- Touch From A Distance
- Toy Tonics
- Transfigured Time
- Transmat
- Traum Schallplatten
- Traversable Wormhole
- Tresor Records
- Trip
- Triple A
- Tronic
- Trsn
- Trsn (Transition)
- True Identity
- Truesoul
- TSP Records
- Tsunami Records
- Tuff Cut Records
- Turbo
- Twice Infinity
- Twin Turbo
- Twnd
- U-Trax
- Undaground Therapy Muzik
- Under The Radar
- Underdog Recordings
- Underground Resistance
- Unfaced
- Universal Music Serbia
- Unterton
- Uppers and Downers
- V Recordings
- V-Sion
- V35
- Vault Records
- Vbx
- Vibes Addikt
- Vibez '93
- Vision Ekstase
- Vision Recordings
- Void+1 Recordings
- Voxnox
- Wabi Sabi
- Wagram Music
- Warg Records
- Warm Up
- Warm Up Recordings
- Warp Records
- Watergate Records
- We're Going Deep
- Wesa
- What NxT
- Work Them Records
- Worst Records
- Wrong Island Communications
- Wrong'uns
↑ Hauty
↑ Hautz
↑ Haut0-9
- 10 Pills Mate
- 117 Recordings
- 123.ro
- 2 Bit Crew Recordings
- 2 Flying Stones
- 24/H
- 3000°
- 303 Alliance
- 31 Records
- 333 Frequency
- 38
- 3AM Eternal
- 3BYK
- 3six9
- 541
- 76B
- 777 Recordings
- 777Hz
- 909 London